Privacy Policy



Privacy Policy



Welcome to visit our website ( (hereinafter also referred to as "Yunmi" or "we")


The website attaches great importance to the protection of your privacy and personal information. This privacy policy applies to your access and use of various services provided by the website in any way.






The website is to meet users demand in searching the information of restaurants of Yunmi, including the restaurant profile, rewards, address, contact information and WeChat official account and other information. You may browse such information, or access to the WeChat official account and/or WeChat applet.




This privacy policy is applicable to your access to and use of our products and services through the website and mobile terminals of the website (including but not limited to applications and WeChat applet), software development kits (SDK) and application programming interfaces (APIs) for third-party websites and applications.



This privacy policy aims to help you understand what personal information we collect, why we collect such personal information, what we do with such personal information and how to protect such personal information. Your personal information will be collected and used in accordance with this privacy policy, however, we will not collect all your personal information in a mandatory binding way just because you authorize and agree to this privacy policy.



We will seek your individual consent under specific circumstances in strict accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations. In addition to this privacy policy, we may also explain our rules for processing your personal information through page notifications, pop-up tips, message pushing and other means on the restaurant's WeChat official account and/or the WeChat applet. The specific rules for processing personal information corresponding to specific business functions will be subject to the specific rules, which have the same effect as this privacy policy.



Unless otherwise specified by laws and administrative regulations, you shall have the right to know and decide how we deal with your personal information, and shall have the right to restrict or refuse us or other parties to deal with your personal information. In order to make appropriate choices, please carefully read and comprehend this privacy policy before using this website and related products and services.



This privacy policy will help you understand the following contents:

1.    我们收集的信息及相应的使用目的

The information we collect and the corresponding purposes of use

2.    我们如何使用 Cookie 和同类技术

How we use cookies and similar technologies

3.    我们如何共享、转让、公开披露您的个人信息以及所接入的第三方

How we share, transfer, and publicly disclose your personal information and the third parties accessed

4.    我们如何保存及保护您的个人信息

How we save and protect your personal information

5.    我们如何处理未成年人的个人信息

How we handle personal information of minors

6.    本政策如何更新

How this policy will be updated

7.    如何联系我们

How to get in touch with us



The information we collect and the corresponding purposes of use


We will collect and use your personal information in accordance with the principles of legality, justification and necessity. Specifically, your personal information will be collected and processed for the purpose of providing you with the appropriate business functions. In the corresponding functions, if you provide personal information of others, please ensure that you have obtained the authorization of the relevant subjects, and we reserve the right to check the legal source of such personal information at any time.



For your convenience, the business functions, processing purposes and required personal information are listed as follows:


1.1 浏览



You can use the browsing service on this website without logging in. To fulfill the obligations of network security guarantee as stipulated by laws and regulations, the responsibility of Internet information content management, and to show you more relevant and interesting content, your activities will be recorded automatically by our server according to law, which includes:

l  您的浏览记录、您的收藏、关注、转发及其他操作行为记录;

lYour browsing history, your favorites, following, reposts and other operational behavior records;

l  您的设备信息;

lDevice information;

l  您的其他日志信息;

lOther log information;


The above-mentioned information may also be used to provide you with more convenient information flow services and to continually improve the products and services of the website. To this end, browser network storage and other mechanisms (including HTML5) and application data caching will also be used to collect information on your device and store it locally.


1.2 新服务和功能运营

New services and functional operations


Operation activities for new services and functions will be launched on the website from time to time. For new services requiring to process your personal information or applying for device system authority without your prior authorization, we will seek your consent separately. If the sensitive personal information is involved, we will obtain your individual consent separately.


1.3 基于位置信息的附加功能

Additional functions based on location information



When you use the relevant location-based services provided by the website, we may collect and process your device, location, and network identity information, so that you can use the relevant services without manually entering your own geographic coordinates. Location information includes precise location obtained through GPS information, WLAN access point, bluetooth, base station and other sensor information, and rough geographic location obtained through IP address or other network information as well.


1.4 保证服务安全、优化和改善服务目的

Ensure service security and optimize service purpose


While using the website, we may collect the information of your device, location , log and others related to the login environment in order to guarantee your normal use of the services, accurately identify and solve the problems in using the services of the website, optimize the service experience of the website, and prevent, detect and investigate fraud, security risks, illegal or violations of the agreement, policy or rules with us to protect the legitimate rights and interests of you, us or our affiliates, partners and the public.



Please understand that when you switch the website from the screen to the background operation of the device, due to some device models and system problems, the information collection generated by your previous use of relevant functions of the website may not be stopped immediately, which may result in temporary background information collection.


1.5 间接收集信息

Indirect information collection


In order to jointly provide you with products/services or improve the quality and personalization of products and services, or for reasonable needs such as considering the safety of products and services, we may receive your personal information and other information from the website, affiliates, partners and other trusted third-party suppliers in accordance with laws and regulations or based on your effective authorization. We will require the personal information provider to clarify the source of personal information in advance and confirm the legitimacy of the source of personal information. Meanwhile, we will inquire the scope of authorization consent obtained by the personal information provider for the processing of personal information. If the personal information processing activities required by the business are beyond the scope of authorization consent obtained, we will seek your explicit consent within a reasonable period of time after obtaining personal information or before processing personal information, or through the provider of personal information.


1.6 个人信息的匿名化处理

Anonymization of personal information


On the premise of not disclosing or providing your personal information to the public, Yunmi shall have the right to mine, analyze and utilize the anonymized user database (including commercial use), and have the right to make statistics on the usage of products/services and share the anonymized statistical information with the public/third parties.


1.7 其他您另行同意的目的

Other purposes as otherwise agreed by you


We will seek your prior consent when we are to use the information for purposes other than those set forth in this privacy policy. If we are to use the information collected for a specific purpose for other purposes, we will obtain your consent in advance.





我们如何使用 Cookie 和同类技术

How we use cookies and similar technologies

Cookie和匿名标识符工具。Cookie是支持服务器端(或者脚本)在客户端上存储和检索信息的一种机制。当您使用本网站产品或服务时,我们会向您的设备发送一个或多个Cookie或匿名标识符。当您与本网站服务进行交互时,我们允许Cookie或者匿名标识符发送给云觅服务器。Cookie 通常包含标识符、站点名称以及一些号码和字符。运用Cookie技术,云觅能够了解您的使用习惯,记住您的偏好,省去您输入重复信息的步骤,为您提供更加周到的个性化服务,或帮您判断您账户的安全性。Cookie还可以帮助我们统计流量信息,分析页面设计和广告的有效性。

Cookie and anonymous identifier tools. Cookie refers to a mechanism that supports the server (or script) to store and retrieve information on the client end. One or more cookies or anonymous identifiers will be sent to your device when you use products or services on the website. When you interact with the services on the website, cookies or anonymous identifiers are allowed to be sent to the Yunmi server. Cookies typically contain the identifier, site name and some numbers and characters. With cookie technology, Yunmi can collect your usage habits, preferences, which will save the step of entering repeated information, provide you with more considerate personalized services, and help you judge the security of your account. Cookies can also help us to collect traffic information and analyze the effectiveness of page design and advertising.


我们不会将 Cookie 用于本政策所述目的之外的任何用途。您可根据自己的偏好管理或删除 Cookie。有关详情,请参见。您可以清除计算机上保存的所有 Cookie,大部分网络浏览器都设有阻止 Cookie 的功能。但如果您这么做,则需要在每一次访问我们的网站时亲自更改用户设置,但您可能因为该等修改,无法登录或使用依赖于Cookie的云觅提供的服务或功能。

Cookies will not be used for any purpose other than those stated in this privacy policy. You can manage or delete Cookie based on your own preferences. For more details, please visit You can clear all Cookies saved on your computer, and most web browsers have the feature to block Cookies. However, if you do so, you need to personally change your user settings each time you visit our website. Because of such changes, you may not be able to log in or use services or functions provided by Yunmi that rely on Cookies.



You can clear your cookie through [My-Settings-Clear Cache] to limit the use of cookie by Yunmi.


3. 我们如何共享、转让、公开披露您的个人信息以及所接入的第三方

How we share, transfer, and disclose your personal information and the third parties accessed


Some of our services will be provided by authorized partners (including but not limited to restaurants owned by Yunmi and Yunmi's affiliates). For fulfilling the statement in this privacy policy, we may share some of your personal information with partners to provide better customer service and user experience. We will share your personal information only for legitimate, proper, necessary, specific and definite purposes and will only share the personal information necessary to provide the service. Unless otherwise authorized by you or required by laws and regulations, our partners shall have no right to use the shared personal information for any other purpose.


3.1 共享



We will not share your personal information with a third party other than Yunmi unless you have given your prior and independent consent or otherwise it is complied with other laws and regulations, provided that those who cannot identify specific individuals and cannot be recovered after processing.


For a company and an organization whom we share personal information with, we will investigate their data security environment, sign strict confidentiality agreements with them, and require them to take confidentiality and security measures to handle personal information in accordance with the law.


3.2 转让



Your personal information will not be transferred to any company, organization or individual other than Yunmi, except for the following situations:

l  事先获得您的明确授权或同意;

lSeek your prior and express authorization or consent.

l  满足法律法规、法律程序的要求或强制性的政府要求或司法裁定;

lComply with laws and regulations, legal procedures or mandatory government requirements or judicial decisions;


If we or our affiliates are involved in merger, division, liquidation, acquisition or sale of assets or business and your personal information may be transferred as part of such transactions, we will ensure the confidentiality of such information when transferring, and make our best effort to ensure that new company and organization holding your personal information will continue to be bound by this privacy policy, otherwise we will require the company or organization to seek authorization from you again.


3.3 公开披露



Your personal information will be disclosed only in the following situations:

l  获得您的单独同意;

lObtaining your sole consent.

l  基于法律法规、法律程序、诉讼或政府主管部门强制性要求下。

lAccording to laws and regulations, legal procedures, litigation or mandatory requirements of government authorities.

l  对违规帐号、违规行为进行处罚公告时,我们会披露相关帐号的信息,这些信息不可避免包含帐号相关认证信息及违规情况。

lWe will disclose the information of relevant accounts in the punishment announcement of any illegal account and behavior, which shall inevitably include the authentication information related to the account and the violation situation.


3.4 我们所接入的第三方软件开发工具包(SDK

The third-party software development kit (SDK) we access


In order to ensure that the website and third-party platform services are compatible with different mobile devices, and to achieve the mobile device identity authentication, mobile device security, receive information push, log in to the third-party platform account, share information through the third-party platform and payment security, we have access to the third-party SDK. The aforementioned third-party SDK providers include mobile device manufacturers, social media platforms, communication operators and third-party payment institutions. Some third-party SDKs may obtain your device permissions to collect your information so that you can use the corresponding functions on different mobile devices or third-party platforms. Different third-party SDK may obtain different types of device permissions and information, which may include obtaining location, reading/writing your external memory card, reading your phone status and identity, viewing WLAN connection, and retrieving running application/Bluetooth information. You are advised to refer to the relevant service agreements and privacy policies of the third-party SDK for the specific device permission types invoked by the third-party SDK, and how to collect and use your personal information. If you want to know more about the third-party SDKs we access to, please transfer to the third-party SDK instructions.


3.4 委托处理与共同处理

 Entrusted and joint processing


In order to provide you with better services, we may entrust a third-party partner to process your personal information. We will entrust third party partners to process your information only for legal, legitimate, necessary, specific and explicit purposes. We will strictly limit the information processing purpose of the trustee and require it to take adequate data security measures. If any third-party partner uses your information for purposes not entrusted by us, it shall obtain your consent separately. The authorized partners we entrust include those for advertising and analysis services. We will entrust these partners to process the information related to advertising, advertising effect and advertising reach rate on the premise of complying with the common security technology in the industry.


Without your valid authorization, we will not entrust any third-party partner with information that can directly recognize you identify. If you take the initiative to leave your contact, address and other personal information for any specific third-party partner to contact you, they will directly process your personal information.


In the case of joint processing, we will also sign relevant agreements with partners in accordance with laws and regulations, and fulfill the obligations of personal information protection.


4. 我们如何保存及保护您的个人信息

How we save and protect your personal information

4.1 保存期限

Retention period


We will keep your personal information within the period necessary to provide the service, but we will extend the retention period after the expiration of the aforementioned retention period in accordance with the law, the contract, or within a reasonable range if the laws and regulations provide for a different retention period, you agree to a longer retention period, in order to ensure the safety and quality of the service, achieve dispute resolution purposes, or where it is technically difficult to do so, 


After the retention period has expired, your personal information will be deleted or anonymized in accordance with the law.


4.2 保存地域

Territory for storage


In principle, the personal information we collected and generated within the territory of the People's Republic of China will be stored within the territory of the People's Republic of China. If your personal information is transferred to or accessed from jurisdictions outside the country/region where you use the products or services, we will strictly fulfill our obligations under laws and regulations and obtain your prior consent in accordance with the law.  


Such jurisdictions may have different data protection laws, and may even not set up relevant laws. In such cases, we will transfer your personal information in accordance with the provisions of the current Chinese laws, and will ensure that your personal information is adequately and equally protected within the territory of the People's Republic of China. For example, we will ask you for consent on cross-border transfer of personal information, or on implementation of security initiatives, such as de-identification before cross-border data transfer.


4.3 安全措施

Security measures


We will collect, use, store and transmit user information based on the principle of "minimization", and inform you of the purpose and scope of use of relevant information through the privacy policy.



We hope you can understand that in the Internet industry, due to the limitation and rapid development of technology and the various possible malicious attack means, even if we do our best to strengthen security measures, it is impossible to guarantee 100% security of information. Please be aware that the system and communication network that you use when use our products and/or services may have security issues beyond our control.


4.4 安全事件通知

Security incident notification


In the event of an incident endangering network security, we will immediately launch an emergency plan, take corresponding remedial measures, and report to the competent authorities in accordance with relevant regulations.


Please understand that, according to the provisions of laws and regulations, if the measures we have taken can effectively prevent the damage caused by information disclosure, tampering or loss, we may choose not to notify you of the personal information security incident unless the regulatory authorities require us to do so.


5. 我们如何处理未成年人的个人信息

How we handle personal information of minors


Yunmi attaches great importance to the protection of minors' information. Our products and services are mainly for adults. We will process minors' personal information only if it is permitted by laws and regulations and with the consent of parents or other guardians.



If you are a minor under the age of 14, before using the products and services on the website, please ask your parents or other guardians to carefully read this privacy policy, or jointly carefully read this privacy policy under the supervision and guidance of your parents or other guardians, and use our products and services or provide us with information with the consent of your parents or other guardians.



If we find that we have collected personal information of minors under the age of 14 without the prior consent of verifiable parents or other guardians, we will take measures to delete the relevant information as soon as possible.


6. 隐私政策的修订

Modifications to the privacy policy


Our privacy policy will be revised from time to time according to the requirements of laws and regulations and the modification of website functions.



Without your explicit consent, we will not diminish the rights you shall enjoy in accordance with this privacy policy. We will publish the revisions to this privacy policy on this page.


7. 如何联系我们

How to get in touch with us


You are encouraged to leave your suggestions on this website and problems encountered through [Contact Us] to help us optimize product functions and services, so that more users can use our products and services more conveniently.



In order to ensure that we deal with your problems efficiently and make response to you in a timely manner, you are required to submit valid identification, valid contact information, written request and relevant evidence, and we will process your request after verifying your identity.




Thank you again for your trust and for using this website!






Effective Date: November 1, 2022